Anthony Venida

Anthony Venida (he/him) is a postdoctoral scholar in Michael Bassik’s lab in the Department of Genetics. His research broadly focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern neuronal cell death. Specifically, his project investigates the role of lysosomal mediated degradation of mitochondria in Parkinson’s Disease using CRISPR technology to identify disease-modifying therapeutics. Anthony earned his PhD in the Biomedical Sciences from the University of California, San Francisco under the guidance of Dr. Rushika Perera and received his BSc in the Biological Sciences at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County as part of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program. At Stanford, Anthony is currently part of building a new program that focuses on increasing diversity within academia by promoting URM individuals at all stages of their training and professional development. Outside of lab, he loves the great outdoors, live music, ultraendurance sports and triathlon, and all things related to food.