Kathryn “Katie” Kapp

Kathryn, or Katie, (she/her) is a Propel Postdoctoral Scholar in Dr. Sharon Pitteri’s lab in the Department of Radiology at the Canary Center at Stanford for Early Cancer Detection. Her research uses biological mass spectrometry to study protein glycosylation altered in various cancers, with the goal of improving early cancer detection. Katie enjoys teaching and mentoring and is active in various STEM outreach activities. Katie earned her B.S. in chemistry, summa cum laude, from Gannon University in Erie, PA, and her Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, with Dr. Renã A. S. Robinson. At Vanderbilt, Katie was a Vanderbilt Chemistry-Biology Interface Predoctoral Trainee using proteomics to study survival outcomes from sepsis in diverse patient populations. In her free time, she enjoys reading, crafting, yoga, watching Steelers games, and spending time with family.